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Posts mit dem Label jpegtran werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

JPEG Fotos aren't displayed in LCD160CR

 I have created an image in JPG with 160x128 Pixels, 144 dpi and 24 Bitdepth. But with every exporting try in GIMP it can't be read. This is the Code in Python:

    with open(path_startImage,'rb') as f:

Now I finally have found a solution. It seems GIMP (and other tools) are putting too much info into the jpeg and the LCD160CR can't read it correctly.

Steps I have done:

  1. sudo apt-get install libjpeg-turbo-progs
  2. jpegtran logo.jpg > logo_opt.jpg
  3. Changed the path_startImage to the new logo:
That's it :)

Datei in einer windows.wim image ändern

 Um Dateien in einer Datei.wim zu ändern, und zwar nicht im 1. Index sondern 2. öffnet man Powershell (ich habs jetzt im admin Modus gestart...